function PTBParams = InitPTB(homePath,varargin) % function PTBParams = InitPTB(homePath,['DefaultSession',ssnid]) % % Function for initializing parameters at the beginning of a session % % Inputs: % - homePath: Path specifying directory for the study % - 'DefaultSession' % Author: Cendri Hutcherson % Last Modified: 05-27-18 % \ Clear any open screens or figures \ close all; Screen('CloseAll'); % \ Create participant directory and data file \ % This code will first prompt the user to specify a participant ID, as well % as a session/task identifier. Default values are specified for ease of % use, with the file taking the generic form "Data.[pID].[ssnID].mat. % The code then checks to make sure that this datafile does not % already exist. If it does, it issues a warning to the user that the file % is about to be overwritten, and forces the user to indicate that % overwriting is the desired behavior. The program will cycle through this % loop as long as it takes for the user to indicate they are satisfied with % the resulting file name. The file will be created, and a time-stamp saved % indicating the date and time of creation. cd(homePath); checkPID = true; while checkPID pID = input('Participant ID: ', 's'); ssnID = input('Session ID: ', 's'); % Set defaults for Pp and session IDs if isempty(pID) pID = '999'; end if isempty(ssnID) if isempty(varargin) || ~any(strcmp(varargin,'DefaultSession')) ssnID = '1'; else index = find(strcmp(varargin,'DefaultSession')); ssnID = varargin{index + 1}; end end fprintf('\nSaving datafile as Data.%s.%s.mat\n\n',pID,ssnID) % Issue warning if a datafile with this identifier already exists and % move on only if command is given to overwrite checkPID = false; pFile = fullfile(homePath, 'SubjectData', pID, ['Data.' pID '.' ssnID '.mat']); if exist(pFile,'file') moveOn = input('WARNING: Datafile already exists! Overwrite? (y/n) ','s'); if isempty(moveOn) || moveOn == 'n' checkPID = true; end end end % Create directory and initial data file pFolder = fullfile(homePath, 'SubjectData', pID); if ~exist(pFolder,'dir') mkdir(pFolder); end Data.pID = pID; Data.ssnID = ssnID; Data.startTime = datestr(now); save(pFile,'Data'); % \ Initialize PsychToolbox Parameters and save in PTBParams struct \ % This code will hide the cursor, and open an on-screen PsychToolBox % display window. This window can either be opened full-screen, or if % debugging, in partial screen mode (for all subject numbers > 900). A % structure named PTBParams is created that will store certain defaults % including 1) the window identifier and the size of the window; 2) the % color specification for white, black, and gray; 3) information about the % keyboard input; and 4) set the default text size and color. AssertOpenGL; ListenChar(2); % don't print keypresses to screen % Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1); % may have to use if VBL fails Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel',3); HideCursor; screens = Screen('Screens'); screenNum = max(screens); % determine whether to run in partial screen mode if str2double(pID) > 900 [w, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow',screenNum, [], [0 0 800 600]); else [w, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow',screenNum); end ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', w); % Create PTBParams structure (used for study parameters later) = w; PTBParams.rect = rect; PTBParams.ctr = [rect(3)/2, rect(4)/2]; PTBParams.white = WhiteIndex(w); = BlackIndex(w); PTBParams.gray = (WhiteIndex(w) + BlackIndex(w))/2; PTBParams.ifi = ifi; PTBParams.datafile = pFile; PTBParams.homepath = homePath; PTBParams.subjid = str2double(pID); PTBParams.ssnid = ssnID; PTBParams.KbDevice = -1; % accept input from all keyboards PTBParams.numKeys = {'1!' '2@' '3#' '4$' '5%' '6^' '7&' '8*' '9(' '0)'}; % save PTBParams structure PTBfile = fullfile(homePath, 'SubjectData', pID, ['PTBParams.' PTBParams.ssnid '.mat']); save(PTBfile,'PTBParams'); % set default text options Screen(w,'TextSize',round(.1*PTBParams.ctr(2))); Screen('TextFont',w,'Helvetica'); Screen('FillRect',w,; % used to initialize mouse cursor, otherwise the first time % this is called elsewhere it can take up to 300ms, throwing off timing GetMouse(w); % \ Seed random number generator \ % On various systems, it can be useful to 'seed' the random number % generator so that it generates different random orders and values every % time the script is run. Note that different versions of Matlab % allow/deprecate different random number generators, so I've incorporated % some flexibility here [v, d] = version; % get Matlab version if datenum(d) > datenum('April 8, 2011') % compare to first release of rng rng('shuffle') else rand('twister',sum(100*clock)); end